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Pythonic Parallel Processing for HPC: Your Gauss is as good as mine

There are many strategies and tools for improving the performance of Python code, for a comprehensive treatment see High Performance Python by Gorelick and Ozsvald (institutional access is available to QM staff). However, there are some subtleties when using them in an HPC environment. More bluntly, requesting processor cores does not automatically mean your code will use them effectively, and that cannot happen if it doesn't know how many of them there are!

The Problem

Let us start a qlogin session with four cores, and investigate the multiprocessing module from the Python standard library and the third-party numba package. Having logged in to Apocrita:

qlogin -pe smp 4
module load python

Loading the Apocrita Python module will produce the response:

Variable OMP_NUM_THREADS has been set to 4

Now, we shall start a Python virtualenv, activate it and install some packages:

mkdir gauss_map
python3 -m venv gauss_map/
cd gauss_map/
source ./bin/activate
pip install ipython numpy pillow numba

The ipython shell has many useful features, including tab completion, but we are using it for reasons that will become apparent later on. Let's see how many cores the multiprocessing module thinks we have:

In [1]: import multiprocessing

In [2]: multiprocessing.cpu_count()
Out[2]: 48

We clearly don't have access to all 48 cores on the ddy node, only 4. (Try os.cpu_count(), it'll get it wrong too.) Trying to start more processes than we have cores isn't just pointless, it's actively harmful! Starting each extra process is a wasteful overhead, as is switching between them. It can even stop further jobs from being scheduled on a node until the thread:core ratio is normalised. How does numba fare?

In [3]: import numba

In [4]: numba.get_num_threads()
Out[4]: 4

That's better. We should never naively call multiprocessing.Pool() on the cluster. Instead, we might explicitly specify the number of cores with:

import os
import multiprocessing

pool = multiprocessing.Pool(int(os.environ.get('OMP_NUM_THREADS',

The OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable will be set to the string '4', so we must cast it to an int. If it's not set, it can default to multiprocessing.cpu_count() so our code can be portable outside the cluster.

This is already quite a strong moral to our story, but let us explore a more concrete and hopefully amusing example and see what multiprocessing and numba can do for us.

The Gauss Map

The Gauss Map is a chaotic attractor described by the recurrence relation:

\[ \Large{x_{n+1} = e^{-\alpha x_{n}^{2}} + \beta } \]

To produce bifurcation diagrams, we:

  1. Choose a value of \(\alpha\).
  2. Scan \(\beta\) from a minimum to a maximum value along the x-axis.
  3. For each \(\beta\), initialise \(x_{0}\) to 0.
  4. Iterate the recurrence relation a few times to get rid of transients.
  5. Iterate again, plotting the intensity of the histogram of the values as a column of points.

We could implement this in Python as:

from itertools import islice
from functools import partial

import numpy as np
from PIL import Image

def gauss_map(alpha, beta):
    x = 0.0
    while True:
        x = np.exp(-alpha * x**2) + beta
        yield x

def gauss_slice(beta, alpha, bins=400, skip=200, points=2000):
    gauss = np.fromiter(islice(gauss_map(alpha, beta), skip, skip+points),
    hist, _ = np.histogram(gauss, bins=bins, range=(-1.0, 1.5))
    return hist[::-1] / points

def gauss_scan(alpha, beta_min=-1.0, beta_max=1.0, width=640, height=400):
    slicer = partial(gauss_slice, alpha=alpha, bins=height, points=10*height)
    return np.stack([slicer(beta)
        for beta in np.linspace(beta_min, beta_max, width)])

def gauss_image(alpha, width=640, height=400):
    im = 1.0 - np.sqrt(gauss_scan(alpha, width=width, height=height))
    return Image.fromarray((255 * im.T).astype(np.uint8))
  • The gauss_map function returns a Python generator, which yields a series of values.
  • In gauss_slice, we discard the first skip values using itertools.islice.
  • We turn the remaining points we want into a numpy array with np.fromiter.
  • The intensities of the points to plot are found with np.histogram.
  • As the origin of a bitmap image is top-left, we reverse the histogram with [::-1] and normalise it.
  • In gauss_scan, we hold all the parameters of gauss_slice constant in slicer except for beta with functools.partial.
  • We use a list-comprehension to build a sequence of columns, applying slicer to values of beta from np.linspace.
  • We turn the columns into a 2d array with np.stack.
  • Finally, we turn the array into an image with the Pillow package in gauss_image.
  • The normalised image is made more dramatic by reducing its dynamic range with np.sqrt.
  • Image.fromarray works by scaling the array to 255 and casting it to unsigned 8-bit ints, (np.uint8).

Test the code with:


Gauss Map bifurcation diagram Gauss Map bifurcation diagram

We can see how well it performs with ipython's %timeit magic command:

%timeit gauss_image(alpha=5.8)
2.59 s ± 44.9 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

That's nearly 3s for a mere 640 x 400 image, we're not using all the cores we asked for. Can we do better? Before we just throw cores at the problem, we should try to understand why the code was slow. One should never try to optimise code without profiling it first, it just wastes time solving problems that might not really be there. Fortunately, there are many ways to profile Python code, including the cProfile module from the standard library. Here, we use it to run the code, save the profile information to a file, then sort it by the cumulative time spent in each function:

import cProfile
import pstats
from pstats import SortKey'gauss_image(alpha=5.8)', 'single_threaded_gauss')
single_threaded_stats = pstats.Stats('single_threaded_gauss')

We can see that the code spends about 80% of the time doing what it should; iterating the gauss_map function, there's not much fat to trim from the ancillary code around it:

         2733504 function calls (2728381 primitive calls) in 2.956 seconds

   Ordered by: cumulative time
   List reduced from 64 to 10 due to restriction <10>

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
        1    0.000    0.000    2.956    2.956 {built-in method builtins.exec}
        1    0.000    0.000    2.956    2.956 <string>:1(<module>)
        1    0.001    0.001    2.956    2.956 <ipython-input-1-adb271d30f9d>:22(gauss_image)
        1    0.000    0.000    2.954    2.954 <ipython-input-1-adb271d30f9d>:18(gauss_scan)
        1    0.001    0.001    2.953    2.953 <ipython-input-1-adb271d30f9d>:20(<listcomp>)
      640    0.004    0.000    2.952    0.005 <ipython-input-1-adb271d30f9d>:13(gauss_slice)
      640    0.462    0.001    2.869    0.004 {built-in method numpy.fromiter}
  2688640    2.406    0.000    2.406    0.000 <ipython-input-1-adb271d30f9d>:7(gauss_map)
 5765/642    0.013    0.000    0.080    0.000 {built-in method numpy.core._multiarray_umath.implement_array_function}
      640    0.000    0.000    0.079    0.000 <__array_function__ internals>:177(histogram)

Doing a bit better with Multiprocessing

Each column in the bifurcation diagram can be calculated independently for its own value of \(\beta\). Splitting this work across multiple processes should help. There's no inter-process communication required except waiting for them all to finish. We might say it's embarrassingly parallel. To use multiprocessing, import Pool from it and update the gauss_scan function:

import os
from multiprocessing import cpu_count, Pool

def gauss_scan(alpha, beta_min=-1.0, beta_max=1.0, width=640, height=400):
    slicer = partial(gauss_slice, alpha=alpha, bins=height, points=10*height)
    scan_pool = Pool(int(os.environ.get('OMP_NUM_THREADS', cpu_count())))
    return np.stack(list(,
        np.linspace(beta_min, beta_max, width))))
  • Initialise a Pool with the Appropriate Number Of Cores.
  • Use the pool to map the slicer function to the linspace of beta values.
  • Numpy can stack the resulting columns if we put them in a list.

How did we do this time?

933 ms ± 338 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

That's an improvement of nearly a factor of three! Surely we are upstanding members of the Apocrita community, making full use of the resources we requested. Or are we?!

Doing (arguably) a lot better with Numba

Numba is a just-in-time (JIT) compiler for Python, that also supports parallelization. It's particularly good for accelerating loops and numpy functions. In theory, all we have to do is apply a decorator to our functions. In practice, numba complains bitterly about most of our existing code, it needs significant modifications to work. For the best speed increases, we need to use the @njit decorator in nopython mode. This puts some limits on the Python features we can use. Our example might end up a bit like:

from numba import njit, prange

def gauss_map(x, alpha, beta):
    return np.exp(-alpha * x**2) + beta

def gauss_slice(beta, alpha, bins=400, skip=200, points=2000):
    x = 0.0
    for _ in range(skip):
        x = gauss_map(x, alpha, beta)

    gauss_points = np.zeros(points, dtype=np.float32)
    for i in range(points):
        x = gauss_map(x, alpha, beta)
        gauss_points[i] = x
    hist, _ = np.histogram(gauss_points, bins=bins, range=(-1.0, 1.5))
    return hist[::-1] / points

def gauss_scan(alpha, beta_min=-1.0, beta_max=1.0, width=640, height=400):
    points = 10 * height
    img = np.zeros((width, height), dtype=np.float32)
    for i, beta in enumerate(np.linspace(beta_min, beta_max, width)):
        img[i, :] = gauss_slice(beta, alpha, bins=height, points=points)
    return img
  • gauss_map is no longer a generator, it's a regular function.
  • We no longer skip the transients with islice in gauss_slice, we perform the iterations in separate for loops.
  • We pre-allocate each column with np.zeros, and index the arrays with a loop-counter.
  • Similarly, we pre-allocate the 2d array in gauss_scan, and build it up column by column.

What did we get for our trouble?

91.1 ms ± 90.7 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

That's more than a factor of ten compared to our multiprocessing example, and nearly a factor of thirty compared to our original single-threaded code. However, our numba code is single-threaded; we haven't tried to parallelize it yet. Fast single-threaded code can be better than merely throwing cores at the problem. (It is left as an exercise to the reader to verify that removing the decorators reverts performance to that of the original code.) This time, using @njit(parallel=True) causes numba to complain that it has nothing to do. gauss_scan has to change again:

def gauss_scan(alpha, beta_min=-1.0, beta_max=1.0, width=640, height=400):
    points = 10 * height
    img = np.zeros((width, height), dtype=np.float32)
    beta = np.linspace(beta_min, beta_max, width)
    for i in prange(width):
        img[i, :] = gauss_slice(beta[i], alpha, bins=height, points=points)
    return img

We need to tell numba that a loop can be parallelized explicitly with its prange function. -No more iterating over each value of beta and its index with enumerate we have to refer to each value and the corresponding column in the img array with a loop-counter.

What's the "final" score?

26.6 ms ± 3.23 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

That's more than a factor of three improvement over single-threaded numba, and a huge factor of thirty-five over multiprocessing for the same number of cores. Is numba better than multiprocessing? Not necessarily...

  • We've had to do quite a bit of work to make our code palatable to numba, it's become more procedural and verbose.
  • Everyone else in the code-base must learn to do things numba's way. We need to factor in how long it takes to write code as well as how long it takes to run.
  • The more Pythonic features we've had to abandon like itertools and functools might help us in areas where numba might not, such as disk-IO performance and RAM usage.
  • We've added an extra dependency, which might create friction for others adopting our code. (numbasub might help here.)

A Compromise?

We've achieved a huge reduction in run-time by re-writing nearly all our code for numba, but at the cost of several Pythonic features we might want to keep. Recall that most of the time was spent in the gauss_map function. Let's restore all the original single-threaded code, but add the @njit decorator to the generator version of gauss_map. numba doesn't mind doing this, it's the other functions that make it complain, so we shan't use it with them:

def gauss_map(alpha, beta):
    x = 0.0
    while True:
        x = np.exp(-alpha * x**2) + beta
        yield x

We get a healthy near factor of ten improvement over the original single-threaded code, even though the best single-threaded all-numba result was three times faster:

279 ms ± 4.6 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

We might as well restore the version of gauss_scan that uses multiprocessing:

121 ms ± 2.76 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

This is a little over twice as fast; the overhead of starting processes is really starting to bite now that gauss_map is so fast. The best parallel all-numba result is still faster by a factor of four. However, modifying our original code by adding a single @njit decorator and one multiprocessing.Pool was quick, easy, and arguably readable. I declare multiprocessing and numba the winner.

Final Thoughts

  • Seriously, don't call multiprocessing.Pool() without any arguments on the cluster. It Won't Help.
  • Optimising code is tricky, but rewarding and worth it, so don't waste your efforts by not profiling first.
  • Spare a thought for those who will read your code; it's probably you in a fortnight anyway.