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Using job statistics to increase job performance and reduce queueing time

You may wonder why some jobs start immediately but some wait in the queue for hours or days, even if your job is quite simple. If you notice your job has been queueing for a while, you may want to consider adjusting the requested resources to reduce queueing time and reduce any potential resource wastage as the job runs. Below, we outline two useful tools for you to check the resource usage of previous jobs.

Assessing code quality with the NAG Fortran compiler

The NAG Fortran compiler, like other compilers, has diagnostic capabilities which can help us write correct and portable Fortran programs. In this post we'll look at these, comparing with those of the GCC and Intel compilers, and see how the compiler can be a valuable tool when developing or maintaining Fortran code.

Introducing Sherman Lo, RSE

Hello! I am Sherman and I have just joined the RSE team at Queen Mary. Glad to meet you all!

My background is in computational statistics and machine learning. I have completed projects in rainfall prediction, defect detection for 3D printing and Markov chains using Monte Carlo. These projects involved collaboration with various scientists, such as meteorologists, engineers and statisticians.

File Permissions

An understanding of file permissions is important to the success of computational jobs, and the security of your files.

The default settings are suitable for some, but not every use-case: without sufficient awareness, your files may be visible to people who should not be able to access them, and vice-versa.

Modules Update December 2021

Since the last module update in December 2019, we have:

  • added/moved 48 modules to production
  • added 20 modules to the development environment
  • deprecated 12 modules
  • deleted 4 modules

One year of code review club with the William Harvey Research Institute

Over the past year, researchers from QMUL's William Harvey Research Institute (WHRI) have engaged on a collaborative code review club. Through this collaborative effort the group aims to peer review the computational components of their research and provide code quality assurance to all involved researchers. Additionally, the Research Software Engineering group of ITS Research has been assisting the group with knowledge transfer and by participating in the review process.